We're featured in the Emergency Services Times - Flood Protection Solutions

Posted 19. 12. 2017

At Flood Protection Solutions Ltd we’re proud to support our emergency services and help improve responses to floods and chemical spills with the Water-Gate.

We are passionate about reducing the flood risk across the U.K and wanted to make our training more accessible. We invested in an ‘On-Demand’ e-learning system with step by step video tutorials, which was launched in September. The training has received high praise from both agencies and residents alike.

Rob Boddington, a Nottinghamshire Resident recently explained:

I found the e-learning very helpful, especially the sections on creating corners / bends in the barriers. Overall the system is easy to use and follow.

The Emergency Services Times is a bimonthly magazine which is sent to around 6000 strategic individuals across the UK Emergency Services Sector.

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Sole UK distributors of the Water Gate Barrier

The Water-Gate barrier from Megasecur is used in 36 countries around the world. As the sole UK distributor of this flood barrier, we distribute the product across the entire country. The Water-Gate barrier is highly innovative and easily deployed, offering one of the fastest deployment of water
barriers available. Access to emergency vehicles and other vehicles is not compromised as the barrier can be driven over.

The Water-Gate can be shaped around corners and on uneven surfaces, offering flexible protection, and can be joined to create any length. The barrier can be supplied in crates to make deployment of long lengths extremely rapid.
It is cost effective, comparing particularly well with sandbags, especially as it is reusable.

The material used is recyclable and the Water-Gate is reusable making it extremely environmentally friendly.
The barrier is resistant to a long list of chemicals and has been independently tested. It is widely used in pollution control.

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