New Zurich research has found that homebuyers are being left in the dark over their true exposure to flooding as official maps understate the flood risks properties face.
The Environment Agency rates homes with a so-called “1 in 100-year” to a “1 in 30-year” chance of flooding as being at “medium” risk. But when viewed over a typical 30-year mortgage, this equates to a 26% and a 63% likelihood of being flooded once in that period – a far greater risk than the current terminology suggests.
Until very recently, environmental due diligence and conveyancing checks during a property purchase would be mainly focused upon contamination issues. Today, although these risks are still taken seriously, the potential threat from flooding has become far more prominent. Furthermore, contamination is often able to be managed, but flooding is an impending threat, which could happen at any time, and at varying degrees of severity. Being fully informed of the potential risk from flooding is now vital.
For most of us, buying a home will be the most expensive purchase we will ever make. It is therefore wise to fully understand the flood risk.
Whilst an online flood check may list a site at ‘Medium Risk’ of river flooding, this does not give any indication of the likely flood depths, or what this risk means for the property. We have created our Homebuyer Flood Risk Reports to enable you to be fully informed prior to a purchase. The survey may even provide an angle for negotiation if the risk can be managed.
The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors advise that flood risk could seriously impact the value of a property, should you compare to a similar property with less risk.
Understanding the flood risk of a property is the first step to managing that risk and being prepared for what the future holds.
Around 5.2 million homes in England, or one in six properties, are at risk from flooding.
Being flooded is a horrible, traumatic experience. Filthy brown water devastates the ground floor of your home, contaminating everything in its path and creating huge upheaval, expense and stress.
Depending upon the due-diligence reporting that you obtain for a property, a risk from flooding may be identified. This is no reason to cause instant alarm, it is simply an indication that further understanding is required to define any risk that may exist.
Our team is led by Simon Crowther BEng (Hons) C.WEM MCIWEM. Simon is a 2007 flood victim and has first hand experience of flooding. Coupled with a background in Civil Engineering, our team are best placed to assess a property’s flood risk, along with whether this risk can be effectively managed.
Homebuyer Flood Risk Reports, inline with:
• The CIRIA Code of Practice for Property Flood Resilience – Edition 1 (C790F)
• The latest Law Society Practice Note on Flood Risk
The report will include a detailed desktop study. A site walkover may also be conducted to obtain the following information:
The report will look to identify predicted flood levels/depths at the property, including an allowance for climate change where modelled, placing you in an informed position prior to your property purchase.
Depending upon the due-diligence reporting that you obtain for a property, a risk from flooding may be identified. This is no reason to cause instant alarm, it is simply an indication that further understanding is required to define any risk that may exist.
Predictive modelling of various sources of flooding is now widely available. During the early 2000s flood modelling was only available to the public for river and sea flooding.
In 2010, reservoir breach modelling was then released by the Environment Agency. Although this has a lesser statistical probability of occurring, it is still prudent to understand, as was nearly witnessed at Whaley Bridge during July 2019.
Since 2016, the Environment Agency now also includes surface water mapping within its national mapping dataset. There are also other flood mapping sources that can be obtained through private agencies, including the risks that may come from groundwater or canal breaching.
Importantly, it should be noted flood modelling maps are limited by their resolution, and often enough, cannot be relied upon at a property specific level. These are after all undertaken on a national scale.
Understanding the limitations of these maps should be undertaken through seeking professional flood risk advice. The adviser’s role is to translate what the flood mapping is showing to what would likely happen on the ground, at property level.
For instance, flood modelling may not take into account that a property is elevated above the surrounding ground, therefore providing existing resistance to flooding.
Furthermore, surface water modelling only takes limited local drainage networks into account within its modelling, meaning that the actual drainage measures for a property may in fact further reduce the perceived risk.
History has a nasty habit of repeating itself, therefore any evidence of previous flooding at the property or local area should also be sought and correctly understood, including the source, direction, duration and extent.
The property in question may benefit from a recently completed or earmarked flood defence scheme, which would reduce future risk. Your main objective should be to ensure that you have the appropriate knowledge at hand to have confidence that the property in question does not become a future flooding statistic.
The increased coverage within the news of climate change can no longer be ignored either. You should have confidence that the property is future proof in the sense that flood risk would not worsen at that location over time.
The property may be eligible for the Flood Re scheme, designed to make insurance affordable for domestic properties deemed at significant risk of flooding.
It is however worth noting that this scheme is only designed to run for 25 years from 2016, before transitioning into a free market in flood insurance, reflecting the flood risk to a property. It anticipates that homeowners in high flood risk properties will put in place mitigation measures over the 25 years.
When purchasing a property in a flood risk area, we recommend having a Flood Risk Report to assess the long term flood risks.
This may involve undertaking a Topographical survey to enable flood depths to be accurately predicted.
Be mindful of your long-term aspirations when purchasing a property. Ensure you understand whether flood risk may worsen in future due to climate change. Should you wish to redevelop a property, remember that you will have to prove to the local regulatory body, often the planning authority that the development shall not place any risk to its occupiers, and that that flooding is not worsened elsewhere. Carrying out these checks early on will ultimately aid in safeguarding your investment.