International Hotel Chain | Flood Barrier Export

Posted 17. 02. 2024

An internationally renowned hotel chain required multiple flood barriers for a hotel based in Zambia, Africa.

Flood Protection Solutions Ltd provided the barriers for this large and unique project in a timely manner, managing the production, customs paperwork and shipping to the client, which required a bespoke shipping crate to be designed to ensure maximum protection of the barriers during the flight to the recipients local airport, in addition to ensuring the barriers were received by the recipient in advance of the heavy rainfall they experienced.

Custom requirements were met, such as the specific measurements of the barriers and various angles the fixings required manufacturing to.

The hotel is now much better prepared for any future flood events.


For your flood barrier requirements, be sure to contact us.

Flood Barriers installed in Zambia

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Sole UK distributors of the Water Gate Barrier

The Water-Gate barrier from Megasecur is used in 36 countries around the world. As the sole UK distributor of this flood barrier, we distribute the product across the entire country. The Water-Gate barrier is highly innovative and easily deployed, offering one of the fastest deployment of water
barriers available. Access to emergency vehicles and other vehicles is not compromised as the barrier can be driven over.

The Water-Gate can be shaped around corners and on uneven surfaces, offering flexible protection, and can be joined to create any length. The barrier can be supplied in crates to make deployment of long lengths extremely rapid.
It is cost effective, comparing particularly well with sandbags, especially as it is reusable.

The material used is recyclable and the Water-Gate is reusable making it extremely environmentally friendly.
The barrier is resistant to a long list of chemicals and has been independently tested. It is widely used in pollution control.

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